Wednesday 12 June 2013

Well Hello There!

I recall how everyone laughed for days after watching The Dictator. The anti-feminist jokes, in particular, caught my attention. I have to admit, they were genius. That one dialogue especially when the dictator finds out his newly wed is pregnant, is hilarious. “Are you having a boy or an abortion?”

It didn't strike me then but several days later, it dawned upon me how relevant this situation was to our beloved nation. Oh wait my bad. People didn't have abortions in India. They only buried new born baby girls alive. Lately, they've been tossing them in dumpsters. No biggie, just the usual, especially if you’re from the Northern states. Except Rajasthan. Rajasthan doesn't support female foeticide. Now, before you Rajasthanis plaster that smile upon your face, I only meant they needed the women for Prostitution. I mean, where else will all their oxytoxin go to?!

Firstly, there are several things I don’t understand about this aspect of our society. For a country that apparently* (I'm using apparently because believe it or not India, we have atheists!) worshipped the Goddesses, we’re pretty darn foolish. Yes, I said we! It’s not like I'm out there trying to stop it. Whether I can do it or not is an entirely different question. So for now, I think I’ll just stick to ranting on the World Wide Web.

Let me get this time line right. This goes out to the men and women. Don’t shy away from this one, ladies. 
1.       You were conceived jointly with a 50-50% contribution from both parties, male and female.
That being said, let’s also quickly get into the science of sex determination here.
XX – Female child and XY- Male Child. Now every woman has one ‘X’ chromosome embedded in her body already. The other chromosome comes from the father. So, in reality, it’s the MEN who are responsible for the sex of the child. Well, in reality nobody is responsible. But this is just for argument sake.
2.       You reside inside a woman’s body for 9-10 months.
Correct me if I’m wrong here. For 9 months, you’re in a sack inside a woman’s body. You breathe the air she breathes, you drink the water that she drinks and you eat the food that she eats. She freaking carries you around in her stomach and your wonderful father, the male figure you look up to, abuses her for putting on all that weight. All the weight which, for the record, you caused.
3.       You come out of a woman.
There’s no need for me to get too detailed on this once. When you embrace fresh air for the first time, you’re coming out a lady, my fraaaaand. And trust me; it isn’t a very pretty scene.
4.       You live the rest of your life learning to hate women.
That’s what it finally comes down to, doesn’t it?

It’s sickening, but it’s also the trend. I wouldn’t be surprised if I saw “#KillingFemaleBabies #Fun #India trending all over twitter in a few years.  That’s where we seem to be heading. No woman deserves to be killed. In fact, no human deserves to be killed except the one’s doing the killing. If only Rakhi Sawant was born in North India… yeah that would’ve been great. One bimbo down.


Meanwhile In Rasjasthan...

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